Yellow-bellied Marmot stands tall

One for Marmot Monday, something I haven’t done in quite a while.

This weekend we went up Mount Evans, our first trip of the season. As always it was breathtaking and the wildlife abundant. These little guys provided a good dose of entertainment as we watched dozens of them in various locations along the slopes above timberline. This particular one was quite curious about my wife and I as we crouched down to snap its picture.

These mountain residents prefer high altitudes and rocky slopes for their homes. Yellow Bellied Marmots can be found across many parts of the western United States and southern Canada. Much of their life is spent in their burrows where they hibernate for as much as eight months out of the year.

A Yellow-bellied Marmot stands tall near the summit of Mount Evans in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Yellow-bellied Marmot stands tall near the summit of Mount Evans in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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