Young bald eagle gives its wings a test

Young bald eagle gives its wings a test

A juvenile bald eagle tests its wings under the watchful eye of its father. (© Tony’s Takes)
A juvenile bald eagle tests its wings under the watchful eye of its father. (© Tony’s Takes)

So, so much fun yesterday morning checking in on my bald eagle family. They put on quite a show but the most fun part? Watching the little one test out its wings.

The eaglet is likely about two months away from actually being able to fly but leading up to that moment there is lots of practice. When it would get a bit breezy, the little one would take advantage, flapping its wings furiously, seeing how well it could do.

Dad was doing his job, keeping close watch, making sure his kid didn’t get into any trouble. Junior has gotten quite big but is “only” about a half to two thirds as big as his parents. He / she will be fully grown (size-wise) before taking flight.

A juvenile bald eagle tests its wings under the watchful eye of its father. (© Tony’s Takes)
A juvenile bald eagle tests its wings under the watchful eye of its father. (© Tony’s Takes)
A juvenile bald eagle tests its wings under the watchful eye of its father. (© Tony’s Takes)
A juvenile bald eagle tests its wings under the watchful eye of its father. (© Tony’s Takes)

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