My wildlife drive this past Sunday was not going well. Despite many miles covered, I simply was not finding much to photograph. I had one, last hope – a spot that I had been by only once before but figured had a chance.
As luck would have it, this young Bald Eagle would save the day. Along a dirt road that circles a small reservoir in Longmont, Colorado, I spotted it sitting in a tree at the water’s edge. Driving past it I shot a number of images from my truck and then got out to capture some more.
The juvenile largely ignored me, only casting a few glances my way intermittently. Seemingly sensing I had captured all the posing images I could want, it then launched into the air giving me a nice flyby with the mountains in the background. It was pretty overcast and the lighting dim but all-in-all a nice series.
This particular eagle is about three years old. Bald Eagles are born entirely brown and then gradually change in the years to come, not getting their distinctive white head and dark brown plumage until they are about five.