Red rocks and yellow lilies
Red rocks and yellow lilies. I stopped at this spot primarily to look for moose. While none were found, I did however discover why the location is called “Red Rock…
Red rocks and yellow lilies. I stopped at this spot primarily to look for moose. While none were found, I did however discover why the location is called “Red Rock…
These little critters are lots of fun to watch as they hop around on the talus slopes of the Rocky Mountains. This particular Yellow-bellied Marmot was quite curious about me…
Not a favorite photo subject of mine but with as prevalent as they are, you can’t help but train your lens on them every now and then. This particular one…
I was a bit surprised to come across this whitetail deer doe recently northeast of Denver. She was all alone without another deer in sight. Thankfully she stopped bounding through…
Sometimes wildlife gets a bit closer than anticipated and such was the case with this picture. This gorgeous Red-tailed Hawk was kind enough to give me a very nice flyby…
“I want my mama!” While this Burrowing Owl owlet is actually just yawning, I can’t help but imagine its look in this picture as a cry for mom to bring…