White-tailed deer buck warily passes a coyote on the plains
Some fun interaction between these two species yesterday morning. The coyote was hunting in a field when the deer approached. The buck stood atop a nearby hill for quite a…
Some fun interaction between these two species yesterday morning. The coyote was hunting in a field when the deer approached. The buck stood atop a nearby hill for quite a…
Oftentimes when I share pics of bald eagles I am asked how I know if it is a male or a female. While this image taken yesterday under overcast skies…
Yup, you probably don’t want to be in this big boy’s way when he decides to walk through. ;-) Kind of a fun, different angle of this big bison bull.…
An American mink watches from above hoping to spot a meal. Jumping back to this charmed encounter from a couple of weeks ago. I took a ridiculous number of pics…
A recent photo excursion was not going well for me with few critters seen and nary a click of the shutter on my camera. I was anxious, however, to test…
Wow! Check out this hulk! This time of year, as the rut kicks into high gear, the rams really thicken up and look quite impressive. This guy and one of…