Bison bulls on the move through the storm
Out for my photo drive Saturday morning, I thought the snow was pretty much done but Mother Nature showed me otherwise. After a brief bit of sun, a pretty strong…
Out for my photo drive Saturday morning, I thought the snow was pretty much done but Mother Nature showed me otherwise. After a brief bit of sun, a pretty strong…
Looking a bit damp and definitely giving a grumpy look, these two owlets looked like they would have preferred some drier conditions. Ha! These are about the last, lingering owlets…
A very fun image for not only Freedom Friday but also appropriate for Endangered Species Day. Taken this past weekend, the parents were hanging out in a tree a ways…
Great blue heron stands alone as the waters rush by. Taken along the South Platte River this past weekend. This heron and found itself some high ground to stake out…
American badger sow brings out her cub for show and tell. I had heard this pretty lady and her little one were making appearances so naturally I had to go…
I checked on my favorite bald eagle nest on Sunday and had some good news and bad news. The bad news is that, sadly, the second eaglet that looked so…