Big bull moose relaxing among the wildflowers
Check out this dude – and notice the drop tine on the right antler. Kind of unusual and in such a nice setting. You can purchase prints of this unique…
Check out this dude – and notice the drop tine on the right antler. Kind of unusual and in such a nice setting. You can purchase prints of this unique…
In fact, if you look in that eye you can see a reflection of your intrepid, fearless photographer. ;-) Taken a couple of weeks ago in Grand Teton National Park.…
With three or four recently fledged young ones, parents have to stay ever-vigilant against threats. In this case, a Swainson’s hawk was cause for alarm and mama was keen on…
Who hasn’t wanted to just stick their head in the sand (or the water in this case) at the start of a workweek? While it could be this pretty moose…
A month or so ago I shared an image of an osprey making one of their infamous dives into the water for fish. This is the next image in the…
When you are as small as an American pika, you are most often looking up at things. No doubt, when the opportunity presents itself, it is nice for them to…