The odd couple
A great egret and American white pelican share a pond and fish together. The pelican was actually annoying the egret greatly as their fishing styles are quite different. Pelicans swim…
A great egret and American white pelican share a pond and fish together. The pelican was actually annoying the egret greatly as their fishing styles are quite different. Pelicans swim…
A short, fun encounter with this handsome fellow last weekend near Eleven Mile State Park in Colorado. I happened across him and a few does near the lake and was…
I kind of missed the boat last month when these colorful birds migrated through the Denver area and never managed a good shot of them. This past weekend, a trip…
I tend to think scenes like this between siblings are played out among humans as well. ;-) These two, rambunctious kits spent an evening a couple weeks ago chasing each…
Having delivered a meal for its mate, a male bald eagle departs the nest. Taken back on April 5, the pair was keeping close watch on their eaglet, then no…
It is the time of year that the deer does are giving birth to their spotted little ones and I was able to see my first of the season this…