Turkey vulture prepares to fly

Turkey vulture prepares to fly

A turkey vulture raises its wings as it contemplates taking off in Estes Park, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A turkey vulture raises its wings as it contemplates taking off in Estes Park, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

This cool bird wasn’t too sure what to make of the guy with the big camera creeping toward him.

It was still a bit early in the morning and turkey vultures aren’t usually in too big of a rush to take to the skies, preferring to wait until it warms up. Three times this one raised its wings, thinking about departing, but eventually decided I was harmless and settled down.

A lot of these have been seen in recent days along the Colorado Front Range as they begin their migration south toward warmer environs for the winter.

A turkey vulture in Estes Park, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A turkey vulture in Estes Park, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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