Beautiful red fox stops to pose in the morning light
An absolutely lucky visit with this gorgeous creature last weekend. I was on my morning photo drive and passing a field when I saw a rather odd shape sitting on…
An absolutely lucky visit with this gorgeous creature last weekend. I was on my morning photo drive and passing a field when I saw a rather odd shape sitting on…
Mom's know just what their kids need and fish was on the menu for them on this morning. That sounds much better than the prairie dog or rabbit alternatives for…
This little owlet did just that. Mom, well, she didn't seem to care for me as much. :-D A still photo to go along with the video I posted yesterday. There are two…
Not a particularly exciting video but kind of a cute one. Taken this past weekend, the pair were cuddled up in their nest. There was, actually a second owlet, off…
My first sighting of these awesome little guys this year. A friend let me know he had eyes on some east of Denver but at the time I was well…
Spend any time out here near water and you will hear the Killdeer. They are quite vocal with their high-pitched sound and sometimes I can't help but find myself wishing they…