Moose bull keeps his eyes on junior

Moose bull keeps his eyes on junior

A massive moose bull keeps watch in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A massive moose bull keeps watch in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

A very fun encounter yesterday morning with this big fella and another bull that was a good bit smaller.

It appeared as though this guy prodded the younger one out into public view as junior wanted to keep his distance from the senior bull.

The smaller one waded well into the water and spent a good bit of time feeding on plants near the surface of a lake, doing his best to avoid an ill-advised confrontation with the big boy.

The senior bull followed only to the water’s edge, took a quick drink, and then headed back into the woods. He definitely was an impressive moose, one of the bigger ones I have seen.

Certainly I would have preferred a shot from the front but I don’t expect moose butts offend too many folks. 😉 Taken in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado.

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