Photo of a jackalope brings to an end a long quest
Since I was a child I have read about this illusive, mysterious creature of the Great Plains. I have searched high and low, followed every tip I could but had…
Since I was a child I have read about this illusive, mysterious creature of the Great Plains. I have searched high and low, followed every tip I could but had…
A female great horned owl peering out from her nest in a tree cavity in suburbia. I was very excited to learn this pretty lady had again made her home…
It's not too often you are lucky enough to find one of these creatures of the night out in the open. On this day a couple weeks ago though, this…
A visit this past weekend to a bald eagle nest I keep close watch on. All looked good and while I cannot be sure, I do suspect there might be eaglets in…
Taken at the start of this month, this pretty lady was out grazing as we wrapped up yet another snowfall. Light snow was falling and her back was coated in a layer…
You see these fast-moving hawks often on the plains of Colorado but getting a picture? Good luck! Their speed coupled with their low-altitude flights and erratic patterns make it tough. Sometimes though…