Why you need a UV / haze filter on your DSLR lenses

“They say” you should have a UV / haze filter on your lenses to protect them from damage as much as for any other reason. I have always used them but at times wondered if it was worth it. Now I know.

Getting out of my truck one day I dropped my camera bag. Since my camera and bigger lens were around my neck I didn’t think too much about it. Last week I swapped to the lens in the picture below which was in my bag when I dropped it.

When I got home and downloaded the images I noticed strange ‘ghost’ lines on the images. Inspecting the lens I found the filter cracked severely.

Made a believer in protective filters out of me!

If you use DSLRs, be sure you have a UV / haze filter on there. A $30.00 filter is far more tolerable to replace than a $200.00 lens.

Even though in a bag, the filter on this lens was broken when the bag was dropped.  (© Tony’s Takes)
Even though in a bag, the filter on this lens was broken when the bag was dropped. (© Tony’s Takes)

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