A meteoric, starry morning in the mountains

Camping in the Colorado high country is almost always a treat but having your alarm go off at 2:30am at a time when the wind is howling and the temperatures are pushing down toward freezing is not exactly ideal. Nevertheless, I heeded the beeping and got dressed (with long underwear!) and headed out to capture some pictures of the stars.

Smoke from a wildfire on the Western Slope of the state coupled with dust from the strong winds created a bit of a haze in the atmosphere limiting my ability to get a great shot of the lights above. Nevertheless, the pictures came out pretty well.

In this image you see millions of stars, a haze-obscured Milky Way galaxy, and a meteor streaking in from the top right of the frame. Down below, the faintly lit Rocky Mountains with Mount Audubon being the prominent peak.

After about a half hour of snapping pictures the wind and cold had chilled me to the bone so I very quickly made a retreat back to camp for some more rest before the sunrise and the next photo opportunity came along.

The Milky Way galaxy and a streaking meteor are seen above Colorado's Mount Audubon. (© Tony’s Takes)
The Milky Way galaxy and a streaking meteor are seen above Colorado’s Mount Audubon. (© Tony’s Takes)

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