An electric sliver of a sunrise

An electric sliver of a sunrise
The sun rises above a pond with high tension power lines in the distance. (© Tony’s Takes)

Normally by the time the sun is starting to cast its glow, I am at my chosen photo destination for the day so that I can capture any excitement at sunrise.

On Sunday, the forecast called for overcast skies so I was in no rush to get out the door and was dragging my feet. Much to my surprise, there was a small area of somewhat clear sky right above the horizon and there was some color beginning to develop. With no time to waste, I found the first spot I could with a somewhat clear view to the east.

Normally I wouldn’t care for powerlines in the photo but given that the color did not go high in the sky, I thought these would add some interest to the foreground and I actually liked the scene. Throw in the orange cast on the water of the pond and it made for a nice view indeed.

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