Blazing orange in the forest for the first day of autumn

Blazing orange in the forest for the first day of autumn
Trees in the fall turn bright orange along a Colorado creek. (© Tony’s Takes)

The change of seasons is upon us with the autumnal equinox and fall having arrived this morning. Here in Colorado, we are hoping for a break from the unseasonably warm and dry conditions but that does not appear in the cards for the foreseeable future.

The fall color show in the high country is starting in earnest right now although from what I am hearing, it is a bit hit or miss as drought has taken its toll on a lot of the foliage.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, I may not get in my annual fall foliage drive, something I would normally be doing today or tomorrow. So, for this image, I jump back to 2016 and this spot along Geneva Creek on Guanella Pass. The area is one of the most popular for viewing the fall colors and for good reason

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