Colorado’s Tower of Babel

Colorado’s Tower of Babel

The Tower of Babel in the Garden of the Gods is illuminated by the rising sun. (© Tony’s Takes)
The Tower of Babel in the Garden of the Gods is illuminated by the rising sun. (© Tony’s Takes)

The Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs, Colorado is a pretty amazing place. The rock formations stand tall and seem to be out of place with their proximity putting them closer to the city than next to Pikes Peak and the Rocky Mountains.

The most imposing formation on the north end of the park is called the Tower of Babel and standing beneath it, you can’t help but be intimidated. Its 300 foot face certainly towers above you as you stand beneath.

These were taken soon after sunrise this past July. The golden light of the early morning summer sun coupled with those amazingly deep, blue Colorado skies made for a couple of nice captures.

The Tower of Babel in the Garden of the Gods is illuminated by the rising sun. (© Tony’s Takes)
The Tower of Babel in the Garden of the Gods is illuminated by the rising sun. (© Tony’s Takes)

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