First visit to a historic Colorado waterwheel

While on Interstate 70 I have probably driven by and seen this hundreds of times but never stopped. On a whim during our return from leaf peeping, my son and I checked it out.

Located an easy walk from downtown Idaho Springs, Colorado, the Charlie Tayler Waterwheel is at the base of Bridal Veil Falls which feeds into Clear Creek. It is a very cool, very pretty spot with the waterfall and waterwheel provide nice subjects.

The wheel was originally built in 1893 by a local miner. Mr Tayler is said to have claimed his long life was attributed to having never bathed or kissed a woman. I’m not so sure that is a worthwhile trade off.  😉

The Charlie Tayler Waterwheel and Bridal Veil Falls near Idaho Springs, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
The Charlie Tayler Waterwheel and Bridal Veil Falls near Idaho Springs, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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