Grasses frame the sunrise on the Great Plains

While daytime temperatures in northeastern Colorado were relatively mild yesterday, as the sun was coming up it was a bone-chilling 7 degrees. I really did not want to get out of my toasty, warm truck but as I saw this scene unfolding I had no choice.

A notable lack of clouds had me thinking the sunrise was going to be a dud but I was soon proven wrong. The golden orb coming up over the horizon bathed the water of Jackson Lake State Park in orange and the hint of fog / steam coming off the lake looked ethereal.

Since there weren’t any clouds above to highlight I opted for a panoramic crop of this one and think it came out pretty nice.

Grasses frame a sunrise across Jackson Lake State Park in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
Grasses frame a sunrise across Jackson Lake State Park in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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