Sometimes you don’t have to go far for a cool scene – you just need to be paying attention.
Sitting at our campsite a few weeks ago, my wife and I were enjoying a nice, quiet late afternoon. At seemingly the same time, we both looked up from what we were reading and said, “Wow. That sure is pretty!”
Right ahead of us lie a field with a single pine tree. The sky was amazingly blue and punctuated with bright, white clouds. Off in the distance just above the horizon, thunderstorms were popping, the tops of the clouds of which we could see.
It really was quite beautiful and served as a reminder to pick your head up and look out every now and then. While the color image was nice, we both agreed that a conversion to black and white worked best. It really helped to make that one, lone tree pop and stand out from the rest of the scene.
Ben Jenkins
18 Feb 2021I was curious if you would be open to sharing this location? I am currently scouting for a film project thats filming here in Colorado and I was looking for a single tree amidst a vast nothingness of plains and this is near perfect!
Thanks so much for any help in advance.
23 Feb 2021Ben, this was taken at North Sterling State Park in the Inlet Grove campground, south side. Certainly though, a drive on any backroad on the plains will likely find you many similar trees alone.