Reflections of Colorado blue and gold

Reflections of Colorado blue and gold
Beautiful, gold fall foliage surrounds a pond and bridge in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

Well this was a nice spot to say the least and a good capture for #FallFoliageFriday!

I didn’t do so well documenting the fall foliage in the high country this year so I have been keeping an eye out for opportunities closer to home along the Colorado Front Range. This past Sunday, as I was heading to the south Denver metro area for a wildlife opportunity, I made an unplanned stop at this place, Hudson Gardens.

I had never been there and as I was driving south, I was taking note of the beautiful fall foliage along the South Platte River. Seeing the signage for someplace called “gardens”, I figured it was worth a shot and swung in the parking lot.

A short walk yielded some pretty darned amazing scenes. I shot a bunch of pics that really turned out nicely but I think this is my favorite of the series. The beautiful, blue Colorado sky above with the fall yellows, reds and greens and of course, the bridge. Awesome stuff!

This image is available for purchase here.

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