“This is even better than last night’s!”

“This is even better than last night’s!”

A paddleboarder takes in the setting sun at a lake in Colorado. (© Tony's Takes)
A paddleboarder takes in the setting sun at a lake in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

That is what this paddle boarder told her friend as she entered my sunset shot this past Sunday. I would have to agree.

If you want to see stunning sunsets and sunrises with regularity, skip those mountains and head east to Colorado’s plains. The shows that start and end the day are oftentimes simply spectacular, as it was on this evening.

We were camping and seeing what the sky was doing, my wife and I went for a walk along the shoreline, me with camera in hand of course. I was initially annoyed that the paddle boarder entered my frame and I contemplated relocating to get a clear shot.

However, I then actually became enthusiastic about her presence realizing she actually added to the image and moved to get her in what I hoped was just the right spot. Her pose at that instant was perfect and silhouetted against the setting sun across the lake really worked well.

I took a ton of pics on our six-day trip but I have to say, this is probably the one I love the most. It highlights just about everything I love about being outdoors in Colorado and sharing it with my best friend, my wife, made it all the more special. Taken at Colorado Parks and Wildlife’s North Sterling State Park.

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