Meteor streaks through the Milky Way

Meteor streaks through the Milky Way.  Of course that isn’t really the case but it sure looks like it.  I tried my hand at some astrophotography this past weekend – only the second time ever for me.

The first night totally bombed as I struggled to get things right.  The second night however I finally had some success.

In the case of this image, I was lucky enough to capture a meteor as it entered the Earth’s atmosphere with the Milky Way in the background.

I was also experimenting with ‘light painting’ by shining a flashlight on the trees in the foreground.  That part of the image I am not so sure I like; I think I would prefer them as just shadows.  What do you think?

Taken in Arapaho National Forest, Colorado.

A meteor streaks through the sky with the Milky Way serving as a backdrop and a Colorado forest in the foreground.  (© Tony’s Takes)
A meteor streaks through the sky with the Milky Way serving as a backdrop and a Colorado forest in the foreground. (© Tony’s Takes)

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