Solar eclipse shows the diamond ring and prominences

Solar eclipse shows the diamond ring and prominences

When I look back on my photo year, there can be no doubt that the solar eclipse was the single biggest event. It is hard to describe just how extraordinary it was to experience and capture it.

This is one of my favorite stages of the event, just as totality was coming to an end. You see the ‘diamond ring effect’ of the sun beginning to emerge from behind the moon.

Also notable are the appearance of prominences – the pink / red ‘flames’ you see in the image shooting out. These are somewhat like solar flares except they don’t actually leave the surface of the sun. Made of plasma and capable of extending hundreds of thousands of miles from the surface, they are normally only visible from Earth during an eclipse so seeing them is a big treat.

The total solar eclipse starts to end showing the diamond ring effect and solar prominences. (© Tony’s Takes)
The total solar eclipse starts to end showing the diamond ring effect and solar prominences. (© Tony’s Takes)

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