The Milky Way galaxy over an old farm house – with some bonuses

The Milky Way galaxy over an old farm house – with some bonuses

The Milky Way stretches into the sky over an old farm house in Colorado. (© Tony's Takes)
The Milky Way stretches into the sky over an old farm house in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

Kind of a cool, early morning scene from a few weeks ago. I wanted to do some astrophotography so was looking for a spot with a cool foreground and this old house in Logan County, Colorado fit the bill.

The problem was that there was only a brief, early morning window between the moon setting and the sun rising plus the city of Sterling was on the horizon. Nevertheless, the shot came out pretty well.

In addition to the view of our galaxy’s core are the four very bright “stars” that are seen. They really are noticeable but, not being much into astronomy, I had no idea what they were so I looked it up.

The brightest one to the bottom left is in fact Jupiter. Just above and to the left is Saturn. Moving above and to the right, the bright star there is Altair, the 12th brightest star in our sky whose name comes from the Arabic phrase, “the flying eagle.” Moving to the blue one further to the top right is the star Vega, also called “the swooping eagle.” Kind of fun and interesting I think, particularly given my fascination with eagles.  😉

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