Perhaps there is something to the stories

Perhaps there is something to the stories
A Halloween display along Riverdale Road, a road in Colorado called one of the most haunted in the nation. (© Tony’s Takes)

They say Riverdale Road through Adams County, Colorado, not far from my house, is one of the most haunted roads in the country. Indeed, at night, it is sparsely lit, twisty, and has monstrous cottonwoods lining it making it seem a bit scary.

Stories abound about there being a gate to hell along the road and how it is haunted by everything from a lady in white to the ghost of a jogger that was killed along it. Folks claim to have heard the sound of footsteps and a mysterious heartbeat.

I don’t know if there is any truth to all of that, but someone that lives there has seized the opportunity to put up this ghostly display, from the movie / novel “IT”. Yeah, it gets your attention when your headlights come across it. Happy Halloween! 

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