The Polar Express heads northbound in a snowstorm

The Polar Express heads northbound in a snowstorm

Union Pacific's Big Boy 4014 rumbles through a snowstorm north of Denver, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
Union Pacific’s Big Boy 4014 rumbles through a snowstorm north of Denver, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

Snow day! Even though I was off work it was bad enough outside here in Denver, Colorado that I wasn’t too inclined to go far for pictures. However, I couldn’t resist the temptation knowing Union Pacific Railroad’s Big Boy 4014 was going to be heading north on its final leg to Cheyenne.

The weather caused a three-plus hour delay but it was well worth the wait. It came thundering by at 50mph or more, steam bellowing from its engine and the ground shaking. Once it was there, I didn’t mind the cold one bit!

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