Other-worldly clouds at sunset

Winter sunsets and sunrises here in Colorado are oftentimes pretty darned amazing. For the late day shows, we oftentimes have wave clouds and lenticular clouds above. These almost alien looking clouds look cool any time but throw in the colored rays of the setting sun and the view is jaw-dropping. Such was the case this past Friday evening. From my home I don’t have a clear view to the west so instead I zoomed in and focused on some of the more interesting shapes.

Stunning lenticular clouds at sunset along the Colorado Front Range.  (© Tony’s Takes)
Stunning lenticular clouds at sunset along the Colorado Front Range. (© Tony’s Takes)
Stunning lenticular clouds at sunset along the Colorado Front Range.  (© Tony’s Takes)
Stunning lenticular clouds at sunset along the Colorado Front Range. (© Tony’s Takes)

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