A bad day for the Easter Bunny

A bad day for the Easter Bunny
A red tailed hawk takes flight with a rabbit’s head in its talons. (© Tony’s Takes)

Okay, some might not find that funny but I do.  😀

A very fun encounter with this young red-tailed hawk yesterday. My friend and I were following a pair of bald eagles and as we walked along, I turned my head toward him and spotted this gorgeous raptor in a tree we were walking by.

Like with a lot of young wildlife, it has not yet developed that healthy fear of humans which made for a great photo op for those same humans. We soon realized it had a rabbit in its talons, well, at least the rabbit from the neck up.

After giving us some great poses, it took flight right toward us. Light was kind of tough in the shadows, but this is my favorite of the sequence as you get a good look at the hawk and its breakfast.

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