Red-winged blackbird takes on a red-tailed hawk

Red-winged blackbird takes on a red-tailed hawk
A red-winged blackbird attacks a red-tailed hawk. (© Tony’s Takes)

Guarding the family home and your littles ones can be a bit hazardous sometimes, particularly when you don’t get along with the neighbors. Such was the case for this red-tailed hawk.

It was trying to enjoy a quiet morning in a tree next to its nest where its babies were hanging out. The blackbirds and grackles however did not appreciate the threat the raptor posed. Both types of smaller birds tried to chase off the hawk, dive-bombing it when cackling at it didn’t work.

The hawk tried to remain stoic but that was nearly impossible and it screeched, voicing its displeasure with the harassment. Here, one male red-winged blackbird comes in for a sneak attack from behind.

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