Red tailed hawk makes an afternoon snack of a mouse

Red tailed hawk makes an afternoon snack of a mouse
A red tailed hawk dines on a mouse it caught. (© Tony’s Takes)

On my way home from work yesterday, I drove around our neighborhood, still searching for years for our local great horned owls’ nest. No luck on that front but I did find one of the other area residents. I frequently spot pair of red tailed hawks and they have on occasion visit our yard. Yesterday they were a couple of blocks over and one had caught itself a mouse for an afternoon snack. Normally red tails are quite skittish but this one was so focused on its meal, it didn’t mind me photographing it as it dined. Kind of graphic but that is nature, life and death, predator and prey. Plus, I think, pretty danged cool. 😉

Red tailed hawk makes an afternoon snack of a mouse
A red tailed hawk dines on a mouse it caught. (© Tony’s Takes)
A red tailed hawk dines on a mouse it caught. (© Tony's Takes)
A red tailed hawk dines on a mouse it caught. (© Tony’s Takes)
A red tailed hawk dines on a mouse it caught. (© Tony's Takes)
A red tailed hawk dines on a mouse it caught. (© Tony’s Takes)
A red tailed hawk dines on a mouse it caught. (© Tony's Takes)
A red tailed hawk dines on a mouse it caught. (© Tony’s Takes)
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