A bonus set of eyes peering back at me!

A bonus set of eyes peering back at me!

A great horned owl and her three owlets peer out from their nest. (© Tony’s Takes)
A great horned owl and her three owlets peer out from their nest. (© Tony’s Takes)

You have seen me share pics of this great horned owl nest before. This time there is something new to see.

Driving home from work Friday I was happy to see mom hanging out on the edge of the nest cavity, the first time I have ever seen that. That of course required a stop so I snapped a few quick pics of her and what I thought were her two owlets.

When I got home and processed the pics what do I see? Not two but THREE little sets of eyes in there – a bonus baby! With that many in there, mom and dad won’t be spending much time in the nest anymore as they start running out of room. It will be fun to watch these three little ones as they grow up and fledge.

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