A sure sign of spring as the American white pelicans return to the Colorado plains
An American white pelican takes off from a Colorado lake. (© Tony’s Takes)

My wife’s favorites have returns and she was ecstatic when I texted her a pic Saturday. I actually saw my first of the season a couple of weeks ago but didn’t get pics of it as it was too far off. Saturday, five were hanging out at a local open space lake. Most kept their distance but this one came close before deciding it wanted to join the others and taking flight right by me.

They have just returned from their winter homes in Mexico and along the Gulf Coast for breeding in our area during the summer. You will notice it is sporting its ‘horn’ on its bill. Both sexes of pelicans get these, formally called nuptial tubercle, during breeding season. It is thought they contribute to their mating displays and show breeding fitness.

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