Young bald eagle takes flight for Freedom Friday

Young bald eagle takes flight for Freedom Friday
A young bald eagle takes flight in Adams County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

A fun shot from last weekend. Three young bald eagles were hanging out, in rural Adams County, Colorado. I spent some time photographing all three, none minding my presence one bit as younger eagles tend to be a bit more tolerant than adults.

This one, the oldest of the three, finally decided it was time to fly and gave me some nice shots as it took flight, this one being my favorite. I love the pose, the look on its face and, oh yes, those deadly talons.

This eagle is between three and four years old as told by its “dirty” head and mixed colors on its wings and breast. Bald eagles are born entirely brown. Over the next few years, they gradually change and it is when they are about five years old that they have the trademark white head and dark body we associate with the bald eagle.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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