Bald Eagle takes flight on a snowy day

It is a very rare occasion that I don’t have my camera with me. I have learned over time that opportunities present themselves when you least expect them. Such was the case this day last month.

I had made a quick trip to the nearby Walmart and was leaving when I saw two, beautiful Bald Eagles fly over. Needless to say, I gave pursuit and saw them land on a nearby pole. By the time I parked one had departed but the other stayed long enough for me to snag a quick pose and then gave me an awesome flyby.

The lighting was tough with dark skies and light snow but it was a photo op that would have been missed if I didn’t have my gear with me.  Taken in Thornton, Colorado.

A Bald Eagle takes flight on a cold and snowy day in Thornton, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Bald Eagle takes flight on a cold and snowy day in Thornton, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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