A very focused Cooper’s hawk

A very focused Cooper’s hawk
A Cooper’s hawk focuses on its next target. (© Tony’s Takes)

A crazy fun encounter with this common but not-often-seen hawk and its perspective mate.

While photographing other birds at a lake this weekend, I kept hearing the unmistakable call of a Cooper’s. It was too much to resist, especially after catching a fleeting glimpse of it. I headed off in pursuit and eventually found this handsome fellow and his lady.

He was busy trying to impress her, gathering sticks and starting a new home. I observed them for a good hour, largely focusing on him as she was content to just sit and watch him work. He was very active, here, picking out the next stick to add to their home.

I absolutely love these guys although I have only photographed them a couple handfuls of times. Those ridiculous red eyes are absolutely fascinating to me.

You’ll find Cooper’s hawks across North America and they have learned to thrive in suburban areas. Oftentimes they take advantage of bird feeders, standing watch nearby, ready to swoop in and grab an unsuspecting dove, pigeon or starling. I have a pair in my neighborhood and have photographed them a couple of times but

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