A very naughty fox

Coming down Mount Evans, Colorado I came across this foxy lady. She was going down the middle of the road and when cars would slow, she would walk right up to them. It was clear she had learned some bad habits about begging for food and the tourists were probably all too happy to oblige. There was a house right around the corner so it could be the locals are feeding the problem as well. I didn’t feed her of course but I did take advantage of the photo op.

Please, don’t ever feed wildlife, no matter how much they beg or how much you think it looks like they might need it. You are endangering them and habituating them to going to humans for their basic needs.

A Red Fox vixen gives a hungry stare on the road to Mount Evans, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Red Fox vixen gives a hungry stare on the road to Mount Evans, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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