American Kestrel takes a break from the hunt

American Kestrel takes a break from the hunt
A male American kestrel hangs out in Boulder County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

It has been a while since I have been able to get a good pic of one of these little falcons. They are quite skittish and oftentimes getting images of them is an exercise in frustration.

As I was walking an area open space recently, I saw this handsome guy hunting over a field. He would hover, dive, take flight, hover, dive and repeat over and over. Unfortunately for him, he just wasn’t having much luck. All that activity must have tired him out a bit as he landed on a tree next to the trail and let me get somewhat close and nab a few pictures.

American Kestrels and North America’s smallest falcon but no less ferocious than its larger cousins or any other raptor. They are very adept predators, striking their pretty from above with amazing speed and accuracy (except on this day – haha).

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