An empty Bald Eagle nest, a very sad photographer’s heart

This past Saturday I went to visit my local eagle nest, expecting to have a great time watching and photographing. Sadly, that was not to be. Instead, I arrived to find an empty nest and no eagles in sight.

I was concerned but hopeful that maybe the parents had just stepped out to stretch their wings, after all, the day prior should have been ‘hatch day’ for any little ones so they wouldn’t have gone far if everything was okay. I waited for more than 2 1/2 hours and no one came home.

Today, I went back to check again, hoping that maybe I just had bad timing but once again, an empty nest. It appears the nest has failed for some reason and there will be no eaglets from this spot.

I can’t help but be sad, admittedly somewhat for selfish reasons as I did enjoy my time with them, but more so because of the affinity I have for the majestic creatures and admiration of how they have beaten the odds to come back from the brink of extinction.

Certainly there are other nests and I will visit some of them but, I will also be anxiously awaiting next year, hoping eagles try again in this spot.

An abandoned Bald Eagle nest in Adams County, Colorado.  (© Tony’s Takes)
An abandoned Bald Eagle nest in Adams County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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