Another ‘white whale’ sighting

Alright, this guy (or gal) is driving me nuts.

This is the second season I have been trying to get decent pictures of this gorgeous Dark Morph Ferruginous Hawk and yesterday, yet again, it tortured me. I spotted it near Denver International Airport? down in a field, likely with a kill.

Quickly I snapped this (poor quality) image of it. Wanting more, this time I decided to be extra stealthy and put myself out of sight on the other side of a slight rise from it. Very carefully and quietly I crept up the hill and as I poked my head above, off it went, never even giving me a chance to snap another image.

I am starting to feel like Captain Ahab. Sigh.

A Dark Morph Ferruginous Hawk keeps watch from a spot on the Colorado plains. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Dark Morph Ferruginous Hawk keeps watch from a spot on the Colorado plains. (© Tony’s Takes)

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