Ferruginous Hawk makes close flyby

This one caught me a bit off guard.  My son and I were taking a bit of a photo drive yesterday afternoon when we spotted this Ferruginous Hawk sitting in a field.  We stopped, got out, and walked closer for a better view.

Before getting anywhere near, it took off.  Initially we were disappointed but to our surprise, rather than heading in the opposite direction, it flew right toward us.  I scrambled to get my camera up to my eye and focus it, managing to get off a few captures before it was gone.  Had to shoot toward the sun but that was mitigated a bit by the fact it was so close.

These hawks are quite large – oftentimes being mistaken for eagles when in the air – and become pretty common during the winter months here in Colorado.  Taken in Adams County, Colorado.

A Ferruginous Hawk performs a flyby in Adams County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Ferruginous Hawk performs a flyby in Adams County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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