Bald eagle couple shares a fishy breakfast

Bald eagle couple shares a fishy breakfast
Bald eagle mates share a fish for breakfast in Colorado. (Tony’s Takes)

Oh, this was a scene I was hoping to see this morning. After last weekend’s blizzard, I was very concerned how this pair, their nest and their eggs fared. I had heard of other bald eagle nests in the area failing as a result of the storm and was praying this one did not suffer the same fate.

Upon arriving this morning at the nest, a thick fog had settled in along the river. I couldn’t see anything initially but after about a half hour, the male came flying in with a fish. He dropped it off and left and at that point, I still didn’t have confirmation that she was in the nest.

Finally, after another half hour, movement. There she was, her head just barely visible. Whew! What a relief!

After a while, he returned and there was a changing of the guard where he took over egg-warming duties and she flew off for a break. Upon her return, the pair ate some of the fish the male brought earlier. Here, he even lets her take some right from his beak, something I had never seen adults do before.

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