Bald Eagle displays perfect Olympic form as it nails the landing

With so many of the winter sports that we have been watching on TV the last couple of weeks, a perfect landing is crucial to getting a good score. Well, this raptor was not to be out done by those athletes and I have to say I would give his form and the landing a perfect 10. 😉

Honestly, this image, captured last weekend, is probably my best eagle landing shot I have ever captured. In fact, it is one in a complete series of this male as he approached then landed in a tree right by me. Just amazing and to say I am happy with this image would be an understatement.

This guy and his mate put on quite a show for me on Sunday. It won’t be long and she will likely lay eggs and begin sitting on the nest. Quite a few other mated pairs in the area already are.

If you’re interested in this image for your wall, please see here.

A Bald Eagle displays perfect Olympic form as it comes in for a landing. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Bald Eagle displays perfect Olympic form as it comes in for a landing. (© Tony’s Takes)

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