Wings high for Freedom Friday

We’re getting close to the end of the workweek so get those wings ready to spread like this gorgeous creature.

I happened across this particular Bald Eagle along the South Platte River trail in Adams County, Colorado last weekend. It was initially perched in a tree overlooking the river, unfortunately in a spot where I was struggling to get a clear capture of it. As I waited, it decided it was time to fly and, best of all, chose to circle right back and fly overhead. This gave me a very nice sequence of images.

You’ll notice this particular eagle has some dark spots on its head and some white under the wings. That would indicate this is a relatively young eagle, likely approaching five years old and full maturity. Have a great weekend and get out and enjoy Mother Nature!

A Bald Eagle spreads its wings and takes to the beautiful, blue Colorado skies. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Bald Eagle spreads its wings and takes to the beautiful, blue Colorado skies. (© Tony’s Takes)

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