Bald eagle launch closeup for Freedom Friday

Bald eagle launch closeup for Freedom Friday
Close up image of a bald eagle as it takes flight. (© Tony’s Takes)

This is somewhat of what I call a “happy mistake.”

I was photographing this beautiful lady and her mate a few weeks ago. They were quite content to sit for quite a while, never paying me a lick of attention. With as much time as I have spent photographing eagles, I have a pretty good sense as to when they are going to take flight.

She was giving no indications of taking off so I was zoomed in, capturing closeups when suddenly, BAM, there she goes! As most of the wings were cut off in the image, I almost deleted it. I thought twice though and instead, I cropped it a bit closer, hopefully drawing the viewer in on the intense focus the eagle had as she looked skyward.

Have a great TGIF and weekend!

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