Bald Eagle launches for breakfast

A bit of a funny story about this image… I and three other photographers were watching this handsome fellow as he sat perched in a tree by a lake. There was a dead fish on the ice about 30 feet away that another Eagle had dropped earlier. We were joking about how cool it would be if it came down and snagged that fish off the ice.

Well, I swear it must have been listening because what did it do? Out of the blue it launched and grabbed that fish! It all happened so fast I couldn’t get my tripod head loosened quick enough to capture the action of the grab. So frustrating!

I did however grab this nice shot not long after it launched. As I sit here typing this, I am still annoyed and can’t believe it came down and grabbed it so close to us.

The lakes here on the Colorado Front Range are starting to freeze up so there isn’t much open water left for the Eagles to fish. This will drive them out into the fields and prairies where rabbits and prairie dogs will become their primary source of food for a couple of months until things start to thaw out. Have a great weekend, everyone, and TGIF!

A Bald Eagle drops from its perch to snag a fish from a frozen lake. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Bald Eagle drops from its perch to snag a fish from a frozen lake. (© Tony’s Takes)

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