Proud Bald Eagle looks skyward

I was very happy to come across this majestic example just a few miles from my house. Funny story… It was perched right over a walking path where a number of folks were out and about taking advantage of the mild temperatures here in Denver. One lady walking her tiny little terrier comes by and when she sees the eagle above quickly scooped up the dog and double-timed it out of there. It was absolutely hilarious!

Anyway, it was definitely a day that shows how perseverance can pay off. It started a bit frustrating as the pair of eagles I was planning on taking pictures of weren’t in the spot they had been hanging out in the last couple of weeks. Took pictures of some other raptors that I wasn’t really proud of and then on the way home I notice this guy (or gal) right near a popular recreation area. Sheer luck but I am happy to have seen it.

A Bald Eagle looks skyward while perched on a tree in Thornton, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Bald Eagle looks skyward while perched on a tree in Thornton, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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