Bald Eagle looks down on terrestrial life forms

It’s Freedom Friday and this is a bit of a throwback image to January 2013.

This gorgeous eagle was perched right at the entrance of the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge near Denver, Colorado.  As it sat surveying the landscape around, it was entirely unaffected by and uninterested in the lowly human that stopped to observe it.

After capturing many pictures from a healthy distance away, it was clear this raptor didn’t mind me one bit so I got closer.  Eventually I was almost directly underneath it allowing me to get this image.  It only glanced down momentarily at me then continued to look around and more or less ignoring me.

The one thing that strikes me about this image is the talons on the eagle which are clearly seen and drive home the point that this bird is a predator second to none.

A Bald Eagle looks down from its perch at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Bald Eagle looks down from its perch at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge. (© Tony’s Takes)

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