Bald Eagle makes low and fast pass

This isn’t something you see very often – a Bald Eagle flying just above the deck at high speed. Toward the end of my photo excursion yesterday I happened across a few eagles hanging out at a run down property north of Denver.

The adult of the group was very active gave me some nice poses and flight shots including this one. It decided to move from one spot to another and rather than fly well above the ground like most eagles do, this one was a bit of a daredevil choosing instead to dive toward the ground and fly 100 yards at about three feet above the ground. A very impressive display! Taken in Adams County, Colorado.?

A Bald Eagle flies low and fast across a field in Adams County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Bald Eagle flies low and fast across a field in Adams County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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