Red fox looks into the morning sun
A red fox stops on a trail and looks toward the morning sun. (© Tony’s Takes)

A fresh one for Fox Friday. It has been months since I have had a fox sighting but finally this past weekend I was able to spend a few, fleeting moments with one.

I spotted movement in some tall grass and while I initially dismissed it, I took a second glance – and then hit the brakes. This beautiful fox was patrolling a field, seemingly on a hunt for a meal. It zigzagged around, ending up on a foot path where it paused briefly giving me this capture. It soon disappeared into the field again and despite my best efforts, I didn’t see it again.

I am still on the hunt for fox dens to photograph as this is prime time for the kits to emerge. If you happen to know of any along the Colorado Front Range, please consider shooting me a note – I’ll reward you with prints should I come away with pics.

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